I know when I first started my online coaching business, I was so afraid of putting myself out there. 


All those voices in my head were screaming, “What will people think?” “What if no one likes what I’m saying or doing?” “What if I just don’t have what it takes to do this?”


Yup – that fear of becoming visible is REAL…and it’s the #1 reason that holds back amazing women like you from truly stepping into who they are and sharing their gifts with the world.


If that sounds like you, remember – you ALREADY HAVE EXACTLY what your ideal clients want and need – they’re waiting for you to share it.


Once you get over that fear and you’re ready to get visible, there are still 2 more key things that can hold you back and I’m sharing exactly what they are in this 2-minute video so you can skip past them and keep building serious momentum in your biz!

It’s your time to get visible, to attract your ideal clients, and to become the badass entrepreneur you’re destined to be. YOU’VE GOT THIS!


Don’t let fear or any other barrier hold you back. You’ve got the courage and the strategies – go get ‘em!


I believe in you. <3

Alex 🙂


P.S. Here’s what Lisa had to say once she moved past her fears and embraced the strategies in the Get Visible 5-Video Training Series:

“I want to give Alex a shout out and to thank you for this past week. I’m sure I’m not the only one that has learned a lot over the last 5 days and I have implemented like crazy so, thank you.”

And, she’s not kidding when she says she’s implementing like crazy – she’s already putting together her very own 5-Day Challenge!


Plus, as I mentioned during the challenge, the strategies and how-to’s I share each day are the EXACT steps I implemented that took my business from struggling to thriving in just 2 months by spending less than one hour per day on Facebook!